Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A New Year Braindump

It’s January and I have a confession to make: I've no word for the new year nor do I have any recap or goal-related lists - none written down anyway.

[collective gasp!]

I tend to let things percolate a bit before formalizing anything into lists or plans or goals. I sift through the options and try to sit with them for a while to see how they feel. Of course one could also mistake this for the ramblings of a procrastinator in denial. [cough]

Whatever it may be, to help the process along I thought I'd share a braindump of selected things coming up in 2010 – some entirely negotiable, others not so much (note: although this is technically a list, rest assured there is nothing formal about it other than the use of bold letters and bullets):

  • A new home. The owners of the house we rent today are coming back this summer so we have to find a new place to live. Do we buy? Do we continue to rent? Do we move out to the country? To a small town? Then we pack, unpack and recreate a home, no matter where we decide to go.
  • A new Website. I bought a URL and will likely be moving to Squarespace shortly so I can add features to my blog. Stay tuned…
  • New work projects. Selling my art and writing. Other possibilities to be refined into, or excluded from, a specific action plan: business-related workshops for artists, creativity-related workshops for business folks, a consulting business to help people explore their passions and how they can use them to create one or more income streams.
  • New knowledge. Through books, classes and workshops, but mostly through practice, experiments, and potentially a coach.
  • Basics. I’ve blogged about them before: sleep, morning pages, good food, plenty of water, quiet/couch time, computer-free time and a clean house.
  • Financial health. Furthering my learning and focus on financial intelligence, integrity and independence, taking into account not just the amount of debt or money in the bank, but how I relate to it and its impact on the rest of my life.
  • Fun. Because I seem to have let it slip through the cracks. The past several months have been heavy, heavy, heavy; I want to bring fun and a sense of adventure back into my life.
I don't know how these things will materialize yet. In fact, I'm having a hard time dealing with the amount of unknowns specific to a few of them, but that's a whole other post for a whole other day. Today's goal was simply to show up and share a sampling of what's spinning in this busy little head of mine.

What about you? What good things are you entertaining for 2010? It's ok if you don't have a word and there's no need for formalities, braindumps are more than welcome!


  1. I have no word, no list, no braindump. Still speechless in 2010. working on it. thanks for your post and a peek at what you're planning--looking forward to seeing where it leads! xo

  2. I feel compelled to make a list, to organize, to have something to check off but I don't, and that feels right :)

    I have to say that your "Fun" bullet is something I need to get on board with. The older I become the more complicated my life seems - I'm starting to think that's my fault. I need to start letting my worries fall through the cracks instead of my happiness!!

    Cheers to 2010!!

  3. So as far as the fun element- I really think a trip to NYC in May would help with that. Really, I do. :)
